Wednesday, September 18, 2024

#9 Why Antiwar Voices Are Missing from Mainstream News

It’s clear that certain viewpoints, especially those in opposition to military actions, often get left out of mainstream media. But why does this happen? One big reason is media bias. Many major news outlets have political or economic ties that support military actions or national security. Because of this, they might not give much attention to views that challenge these opinions. For example, questions the United States' aggressive stance in Ukraine, but you often won't see this perspective on mainstream news.

Another issue is media consolidation. A few large companies, like Disney's ownership of ABC News and ESPN or AT&T's former control over CNN, shape the media world by potentially aligning news content with corporate interests. These interests normally align with pro-military and national security views, meaning alternative perspectives, like those from and The American Conservative, don’t get much exposure. Because mainstream media tends to focus on national interests, this can overshadow other important views, like discussions about the long-term effects of modern wars, which are often shown in ways that support existing narratives rather than questioning them. This monopoly can then lead to news reporting where stories critical of the company's business might be downplayed or left out entirely. 

To get a better picture, I encourage you to check out different media sources. Websites like The American Conservative offer alternative viewpoints you might not find in mainstream news. How opposing views are handled, especially in times of conflict, highlights the importance of protecting differing opinions. Historical examples show that when people speak out against ruling policies or actions, they can face significant pushback. This reinforces why the First Amendment is incredibly important for ensuring that different perspectives can be heard, which is essential for a vibrant and healthy democracy.

In summary, certain views get pushed aside in mainstream media because of bias, media ownership, and a focus on national interests. Exploring alternative sources can help you understand a wider range of perspectives.

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#10 The Spiral of Silence Theory

The Spiral of Silence theory, created by  Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann  in 1974, explains why people often stay silent about their opinions if t...