Monday, September 2, 2024

#3 The 8 Values of Free Expression


The 8 values of free expression were created to protect the foundational principles that a healthy democracy needs. The values emphasize things like free speech, self-government, and checking power.

We are constantly talking about the First Amendment, especially in today's political scene, but it is easy to forget how much it shapes our daily lives. Without the protection it provides, the difference in which we interact with each other, our government, and the world would be drastically different.

The Marketplace of Ideas

Originally proposed by John Milton, the Marketplace of Ideas carries the belief that society benefits from allowing individuals to express their free thoughts, controversial or not. The freedom means that ideas can be challenged and validated by the public. 

I see this value in action every day, especially on social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit. These are "modern-day" marketplaces where ideas from all around the world can meet. Although this can sometimes lead to the spread of misinformation, I believe it also gives opportunities for the truth to come forward through deeper discussions and fact-checking. 

This value deeply resonates with me in comparison with the 8 other values because it fights for the protection of intellectual freedom and the pursuit of truth. It is a reminder that in a democratic society, our voices should all be heard and listened to.

Promote Innovation & Protect Dissent

Promote Innovation expresses that communities that value and protect free speech are more likely to be energized and full of diverse ideas. Jack Balkin, author of Living Originalism, suggests that when people have free expression, without fear of censorship, they can explore new ideas, take risks, and contribute to the knowledge and progress of society.

Similarly, Protect Diessent, explained by Steve Shiffrin in Dissent, Injustice, and the Meanings of America, emphasizes the positive role that minority views play in a democracy. Our system is designed to make sure all voices matter and prevent a "mob-like" rule, as well.

These two values are important to me because they work hand in hand to create a society that is creative, and dynamic, but also accountable. Promote Innovation ensures new ideas can be shared, while Protect Dissent guarantees those ideas can be explored and challenged with no suppression. Innovation thrives in environments where people can express their thoughts openly and leads to breakthroughs in innovation, helping grow our society. 

The ability to ensure minority voices are heard and create an environment where questioning and criticism are seen as essential things for a healthy democracy. These two values help maintain a creative and forward-thinking society while being fair and open to all voices.

The 8 Values of Free Expression are critical for preserving our democratic principles and fostering a vibrant, innovative society. They ensure that we can openly share, challenge, and refine ideas, driving progress. These values remind us of the importance of protecting a space where multiple voices can contribute to the ongoing desire for truth and understanding, which is something I strongly support.

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