Wednesday, August 28, 2024

#2 The Workings of the U.S. Supreme Court


The Supreme Court has been the backbone of the American Justice System for nearly 200 years. Over this period, it has witnessed and influenced countless events, societal transformations, and legal developments.

As someone who pays little attention to governmental things, this video answered lingering questions and explained other information I had never heard before. One of the first points I'd like to touch on is that the Supreme Court is the highest in the Federal Judiciary system within the United States. This means the court has ultimate jurisdiction over all federal and state cases, stating that they are the primary interpreters of the Constitution. 

Citizens of the United States have not always been fans of the Supreme Court, however, that changed after the infamous "Marbury V. Madison" Case. This case established the idea of judicial review which was an addition to the system of "checks and balances," confirming the Supreme Court as a co-equal branch of the government. Checks and balances are the system the United States government uses to make sure one branch does not have more power over another. 

The Constitution, as a document, is understood by Supreme Court Justices as something that is constantly evolving, and because their job is to draw the lines of power, avoiding controversy is essentially impossible. 

Within a year, the Supreme Court receives about 7,000 cases but only accepts 100-150 of them. To approve a case, the court needs at least four of nine possible votes. The justices also work independently from one another and instead, have a team of law clerks for assistance. 

Learning more about the duties of a Justice, I also found it interesting that the average serving time is 16 years; however, many may and do serve longer. The longest time a judge had served was 36 years and that was William O. Douglas who was appointed in 1939 and retired in 1975 and the shortest being John Rutledge, who was appointed temporarily during the Senate's recess.

The video changed the way I thought of the Supreme Court because I got to hear first-hand experience of Justices. In the part 1 video, one Justice stated that it was originally very overwhelming taking on the position, but within about 3 years the feeling started to go away. Although being on the Supreme Court is something few people get to experience, I now have a greater understanding and appreciation of their work. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

#1 Navigating the News: My Top 5 Platforms for Staying Informed

 In today's day and age, your source of news differs greatly based on factors like political belief, age, demographics, and more. Personally, I tend to gravitate towards a few platforms that provide me with quick, but detailed information. These sources are social media platforms and are as follows:

1. TikTok

TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms that people of all ages use as a way to access current news, entertainment, and other information. For people in my generation who have shorter attention spans, TikTok is appealing because of its quick but detailed videos that can easily summarize information. The app uses a feature called a "For You" page where it curates content based on what it thinks you'd like based on what you interact with on the platform.  But, you can also use the search bar to find more specific topics. As someone who doesn't watch the news, TikTok is a helpful way for me to get an idea of what is going on in the world within a matter of minutes, and I can find almost all of the information about a topic from different accounts and videos. Since this is the most used app on my phone, it is where most of my information comes from and can be anything from politics to product reviews.

2. Snapchat

My primary use of Snapchat is to keep in contact with my friends, sharing short pictures and videos that allow us to stay connected in a fun and casual way. Snapchat's Discover page, dedicated to news and entertainment, offers a variety of content tailored to users' interests. I occasionally browse this page, where I encounter stories of tragedies, triumphs, and celebrity gossip. While the platform provides quick and easily digestible content, I’ve noticed that many of the articles have typos and aren’t always well-written, which detracts from their credibility. Because of this, I don’t rely on Snapchat as a primary source for news, but it’s an easy way to pass the time when I’m looking for a distraction or just want to see what’s trending.

The only major news outlet I consistently go to for updates is Fox News. I believe the news and discussions on this platform align with the type of information I care about, particularly in the realm of politics. Being an Apple iPhone user, I take advantage of the News app’s feature that allows me to flag certain pages and receive notifications for new stories and alerts. This feature is particularly convenient allowing me to stay constantly updated without having to actively search for news; instead, the news comes to me. Fox News covers typical topics including sports, politics, entertainment, and more. However, I mainly use Fox for their political coverage because of their Conservative viewpoint, which resonates with my interests and perspective. 
As I get closer to entering the workforce, LinkedIn has become an essential tool for me. The platform has multiple purposes, offering opportunities for networking, professional development, and staying informed about industry trends. I primarily use LinkedIn to connect with professionals in my field, search for internships, and explore potential job opportunities. It’s also a great way to maintain relationships with peers and stay updated on what’s happening within companies I’m interested in. LinkedIn’s emphasis on professional networking is helping me build a strong professional presence and stay informed about the latest developments in my industry.

5. Word of Mouth

Another valuable source of information for me is word of mouth. This could come from family, friends, professors, or even strangers I encounter. In my experience, word of mouth isn't always the most reliable way to learn about new topics, events, or opportunities. Growing up in a household with strong opinions, I wasn't always exposed to a wide range of perspectives but was encouraged to think critically about the information I received. While I appreciate hearing different viewpoints and discussing them with others, I remain confident in my ability to form my own opinions. I often use word of mouth as a starting point, then turn to other platforms to gain a fuller understanding of the topic.

#10 The Spiral of Silence Theory

The Spiral of Silence theory, created by  Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann  in 1974, explains why people often stay silent about their opinions if t...